Громадянська освіта: міждисциплінарність у становленні категорії


  • Тимур Миколайович Демчук Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія», Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8259-3177



Ключові слова:

громадянська освіта, демократія, громадянин, національна безпека, державна освітня політика, конфлікт держави і суспільства


The article examines the historical and contemporary challenges of defining the concept of civic education. Starting from the 18th century, especially in the United States, civic education has been recognized as an important tool for shaping civic consciousness and promoting active citizen participation in democratic processes. Civic education has been pivotal in fostering an informed citizenry capable of contributing to democratic governance and societal well-being. The article emphasizes the renewed relevance of civic education in Ukraine, particularly after the Revolution of Dignity, which catalyzed significant political and social changes. This revolution led to the state’s adoption of the concept of civic education development in 2018, the foundations of which were laid in the new Law of Ukraine “On Education” of 2017. Various definitions of civic education are explored, ranging from broad interpretations encompassing processes that influence people’s beliefs, capabilities, and actions, to narrower ones focused on formal educational programs. The article argues that effective civic education cannot exist outside the context of democracy, highlighting its role in forming citizens capable of participating in political processes, protecting democratic values, and contributing to national security. Different models of democracy and their impact on civic education are also analyzed, proposing a balanced approach where both the state and civil society play important roles. This comprehensive analysis aims to provide detailed recommendations for improving the implementation and impact of civic education policies in Ukraine, ensuring the cultivation of informed, responsible, and active citizens. The study underscores the importance of a conflict and at the same time collaborative effort between state mechanisms and civil society to foster a robust civic education system that aligns with democratic principles and national interests.

Біографія автора

Тимур Миколайович Демчук, Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія»

postgraduate student at the Department of Political Sciences, Head of corporate training and teacher of Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (kmbs), National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy



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Як цитувати

Демчук, Тимур Миколайович. 2024. «Громадянська освіта: міждисциплінарність у становленні категорії». Empirio 1 (2):14-24. https://doi.org/10.18523/3041-1718.2024.1.2.14-24.

